
Sunday 28 December 2014

losing weight

Breath work training and ed-ducation helps you to have a better understudy that you are on the right path.
When your breathing is balanced with the support and  visual feedback technology, capnometer, you have the confidence to practice better breathing habits.
By making sure your co2 levels are constantly level and above 35mmgh, your bodies natural pH balance will be consistent and therefore helping the digestive juices to break down the contents. This has been substantiated by a brilliant article publishing in the times.
Along side Capno Assessment Respiratory Education (CARE) you receive the best breathing guidance you can physically achieve. As well as using NLP and body skills of Tai chi Tony can assist  you to lose the weight.
Reverse breathing, bellows breathing to help tonify the abdomen and core.
Tony Ulatowski is such a coach that can guide you to breath and believe in your bodies ability to be more supportive.